
NFS is very useful tool to mount volumes and share files. That is also used as a PersistentVolume of Kubernetes, so it is meaningfull that to know how to launch nfs server on your RaspberryPi on recent k3s movement.

Install NFS

If you use raspbian, you just execute a command.

$ sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common nfs-server

Please make directory to be mounted.

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/share
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/share

Then, add setting to /etc/exports

$ echo '/mnt/share,async,no_root_squash)' >> /etc/exports

Please check appropriate IP on your cluster.

async means write data to the volume asyncly. no_root_squash means disable the feature of root_squash. root_squash means that it blocks to get root priviledges by remote access users. no_root_squash is not secure, but sometimes it blocks to change existing files. Please consider about what is the best setting for your system.

OK, then start the server.

$ systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server

It is optional, but you can set auto start with this command.

$ systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server

You can check nfs works or not with this command.

$ exportfs

It will show error if something wrongs.

Mount from another host

Please log in to another host and mount the volume with this command.

sudo mount -t nfs -o resvport,rw /home/yoshwata/mnt

Then, check the nfs works by putting a file from remote host.